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Who We Are

About Us

Malbert Media is a boutique Democratic political consulting firm for candidates in tough races who want to run fearless, winning campaigns. Our team is a collection of people with decades of experience, all of us devoted to building better, more authentic campaigns.

Tested Methods, Proven Results.

It should go without saying that every campaign is different, but most losing campaigns kind of look the same—poorly planned and disorganized, with a random, inefficient ground game and scattershot messaging.

The Malbert Media team will help you develop an authentic fundraising strategy and data-driven campaign plan that maps out a serious path to victory.


Voters have never been better at detecting B.S. or more willing to dismiss a candidate they feel is telling them only what they want to hear. It’s never been more important—or more difficult—to cut through the noise and stand out. Malbert Media is here to help.

We will help you build your campaign upon a foundation of authenticity and data. Authentic campaigns establish trust with your voters, raise more money, and win more elections.


Campaign communication is all about making an impact quickly. With direct mail, you have something like 7 to 10 seconds to catch a voter’s attention—about the time it takes to walk from the mailbox to the front door. Direct mail is distinct, though, as the only targeted communication a voter can hold in their hands—communication that is addressed to them and that they can physically take with them when they vote. Our team of graphic designers and storytellers has decades of experience writing and designing striking, unique, and effective direct mail, whatever your budget or needs.

Our team of direct mail and branding experts will help you build a program that leverages the unique opportunities available through direct mail, following best practices that national groups like the Voter Participation Center, Analyst Institute, America Votes, and other progressive groups have thoughtfully embraced.

sample direct mail

Direct Mail

We focus on authentic storytelling, bold creative design, and research-based best practices to ensure your content stands out and helps win votes at the ballot box.


Political Consulting

We can help draft a campaign plan, implement a fundraising plan, hire the initial staff, and make sure your name appears on the ballot.


Strategic Communication

Winning takes a plan, always. As your partner, we will work from day one to determine what your campaign needs to win and map out a serious path to victory.


Data, Targeting & Analytics

We use models, polling, and decades of political knowledge and research to craft a data-driven, targeted media plan that effectively reaches the most persuadable voters.

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Partners & Colleagues

Our Clients

Let’s see how we can partner up.

If you’re ready to build a winning, unstoppable campaign, we are ready to get to work.

Whether you’re thinking about running for office, ready to announce your campaign, or already out there talking with voters but want to make sure your message is breaking through, send us a note. We can help you get the job done.

Contact Matt Albert directly:

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